Die größten Non-Profit-Organisationen Großbritanniens
Was sind die größten Charities und Non-Profits in Großbritannien? Basierend auf Wikidata gibt es hier die Liste der größten Organisationen nach Spenden, Umsatz, Beschäftigten und Mitgliedern.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 14. Januar 2025
Non-Profit-Organisationen in Großbritannien
- Die größten Non-Profit-Organisationen nach Spenden
- Die größten Non-Profit-Organisationen nach Umsatz
- Die größten Nonprofit-Organisationen nach Mitarbeitenden
- Die größten Organisationen nach Mitgliedern
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Die größten Nonprofit-Organisationen Großbritanniens nach Spenden
Welche Organisation nimmt die meisten Spenden ein.
# | Organisation | Spenden | Jahr | |
1 | International Finance Facility for Immunisation Company | 1.055.921.478 £ | 2020 | |
2 | Charities Aid Foundation | 959.905.000 £ | 2021 | |
3 | Save the Children | 873.210.092 £ | 2020 | |
4 | Cancer Research UK | 414.524.591 £ | 2021 | |
5 | AKO Foundation | 302.394.000 £ | 2020 | |
6 | Hospice | 263.098.000 £ | 2021 | |
7 | Royal National Lifeboat Institution | 178.714.000 £ | 2020 | |
8 | Macmillan Cancer Support | 169.013.000 £ | 2020 | |
9 | Francis Crick Institute | 165.702.446 £ | 2021 | |
10 | NHS Charities Together | 157.679.000 £ | 2020 | |
11 | Britisches Rotes Kreuz | 147.200.000 £ | 2020 | |
12 | Islamic Relief | 133.157.385 £ | 2020 | |
13 | Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Britain | 132.490.597 £ | 2020 | |
14 | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | 117.865.000 £ | 2021 | |
15 | British Heart Foundation | 117.800.000 £ | 2021 | |
16 | UK Online Giving Foundation | 116.058.182 £ | 2021 | |
17 | The Prudence Trust | 115.797.928 £ | 2020 | |
18 | Stewardship Services (uket) | 114.321.000 £ | 2020 | |
19 | The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association | 107.900.000 £ | 2020 | |
20 | Oxfam | 105.300.000 £ | 2021 | |
21 | Dogs Trust | 103.524.761 £ | 2020 | |
22 | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | 102.580.778 £ | 2021 | |
23 | UNICEF UK | 102.078.000 £ | 2020 | |
24 | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | 97.007.000 £ | 2020 | |
25 | Marie Curie | 90.095.000 £ | 2021 | |
26 | The Hargreaves Foundation | 89.146.500 £ | 2021 | |
27 | The Save The Children Fund | 88.443.000 £ | 2020 | |
28 | Royal British Legion | 87.117.000 £ | 2020 | |
29 | Age UK | 86.866.000 £ | 2021 | |
30 | Alzheimer's Society | 82.273.000 £ | 2021 | |
31 | British Film Institute | 81.859.000 £ | 2021 | |
32 | National Oceanography Centre | 77.588.000 £ | 2020 | |
33 | Against Malaria Foundation | 77.407.834 £ | 2021 | |
34 | World Vision UK | 69.460.247 £ | 2020 | |
35 | FareShare | 69.234.000 £ | 2021 | |
36 | World Wide Fund for Nature (United Kingdom) | 69.046.000 £ | 2020 | |
37 | Medecins Sans Frontieres (UK) | 68.229.492 £ | 2020 | |
38 | Joint Information Systems Committee | 67.782.000 £ | 2020 | |
39 | National Trust | 63.511.000 £ | 2021 | |
40 | People's Dispensary for Sick Animals | 62.703.000 £ | 2020 | |
41 | Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity | 62.234.000 £ | 2021 | |
42 | Sir John Fisher Foundation | 57.314.992 £ | 2021 | |
43 | Children in Need | 56.727.678 £ | 2021 | |
44 | Aga Khan Foundation (United Kingdom) | 56.552.000 £ | 2020 | |
45 | The Trussell Trust | 56.033.000 £ | 2021 | |
46 | Gatsby Charitable Foundation | 55.000.000 £ | 2021 | |
47 | WaterAid | 54.847.000 £ | 2021 | |
48 | Royal Opera House | 54.035.000 £ | 2020 | |
49 | Crisis | 52.510.000 £ | 2020 | |
50 | Cats Protection | 50.668.000 £ | 2020 |
Die größten Nonprofit-Organisationen nach Umsatz
Eine Liste aller Non-Profit-Organisationen und Charities nach Jahresumsatz.
# | Organisation | Umsatz | Jahr | |
1 | Lloyd's Register Foundation | £ | 2020 | |
2 | International Finance Facility for Immunisation Company | 1.059.428.626 £ | 2020 | |
3 | Charities Aid Foundation | 1.008.480.000 £ | 2021 | |
4 | Save the Children | 876.468.492 £ | 2020 | |
5 | Nuffield Health | 779.900.000 £ | 2020 | |
6 | Cancer Research UK | 582.083.475 £ | 2021 | |
7 | United Learning Trust | 553.383.000 £ | 2020 | |
8 | National Trust | 507.661.000 £ | 2021 | |
9 | Oxfam | 486.570.000 £ | 2021 | |
10 | Wellcome Trust | 463.593.136 £ | 2020 | |
11 | Transport for Greater Manchester | 443.793.000 £ | 2023 | |
12 | AKO Foundation | 439.773.000 £ | 2020 | |
13 | Britisches Rotes Kreuz | 305.900.000 £ | 2020 | |
14 | Marie Stopes International | 294.440.000 £ | 2020 | |
15 | The Save The Children Fund | 288.730.000 £ | 2020 | |
16 | Barnardo's | 280.464.000 £ | 2021 | |
17 | Ormiston Trust | 275.480.000 £ | 2020 | |
18 | Hospice | 264.355.000 £ | 2021 | |
19 | Girls' Day School Trust | 263.033.000 £ | 2020 | |
20 | Methodist Homes for the Aged | 242.998.000 £ | 2021 | |
21 | Mencap | 238.249.000 £ | 2021 | |
22 | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | 228.069.000 £ | 2020 | |
23 | British Heart Foundation | 225.300.000 £ | 2021 | |
24 | Shaw Trust | 223.123.000 £ | 2020 | |
25 | The Eric Wright Charitable Trust | 219.531.000 £ | 2020 | |
26 | Oasis International Association | 217.409.000 £ | 2020 | |
27 | Canal & River Trust | 215.400.000 £ | 2021 | |
28 | Royal National Lifeboat Institution | 199.171.000 £ | 2020 | |
29 | St Andrew's Healthcare | 195.600.000 £ | 2021 | |
30 | Macmillan Cancer Support | 194.889.000 £ | 2020 | |
31 | Joint Information Systems Committee | 184.348.000 £ | 2020 | |
32 | Francis Crick Institute | 174.940.195 £ | 2021 | |
33 | The Salvation Army Social Work Trust | 172.706.000 £ | 2021 | |
34 | Marie Curie | 170.016.000 £ | 2021 | |
35 | Citizens Advice | 162.631.000 £ | 2021 | |
36 | NHS Charities Together | 158.354.000 £ | 2020 | |
37 | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | 156.394.000 £ | 2020 | |
38 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | 153.812.000 £ | 2021 | |
39 | The London Clinic | 153.412.000 £ | 2020 | |
40 | Canterbury Christ Church University | 152.268.000 £ | 2021 | |
41 | Islamic Relief | 148.990.396 £ | 2020 | |
42 | British Film Institute | 145.628.000 £ | 2021 | |
43 | Action for Children | 145.212.000 £ | 2021 | |
44 | Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Britain | 144.317.948 £ | 2020 | |
45 | Royal British Legion | 143.114.000 £ | 2020 | |
46 | Community Integrated Care | 142.240.000 £ | 2021 | |
47 | Royal Society | 136.170.000 £ | 2021 | |
48 | AQA | 135.845.844 £ | 2021 | |
49 | Orders of St John Care Trust | 133.622.124 £ | 2021 | |
50 | Turning Point | 132.812.000 £ | 2021 |
Die größten Non-Profit-Organisationen Großbritanniens nach Mitarbeitenden
Non-Profit-Organisationen und Charities nach der Anzahl ihrer Beschäftigten.
# | Organisation | Mitarbeitende | Jahr | |
1 | Transport for London | 28.000 | ||
2 | Save the Children | 25.000 | 2023 | |
3 | Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust | 21.945 | ||
4 | Nuffield Health | 15.752 | 2020 | |
5 | United Learning Trust | 9.495 | 2020 | |
6 | Marie Stopes International | 9.476 | 2020 | |
7 | Lloyd’s Register of Shipping | 9.000 | ||
8 | Mencap | 8.408 | 2021 | |
9 | HALO Trust | 8.262 | 2020 | |
10 | National Trust | 7.578 | 2021 | |
11 | Barnardo's | 7.489 | 2021 | |
12 | Lloyd's Register Foundation | 6.684 | 2020 | |
13 | Methodist Homes for the Aged | 6.061 | 2021 | |
14 | Community Integrated Care | 5.500 | 2021 | |
15 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | 5.281 | 2021 | |
16 | Mines Advisory Group | 5.201 | 2020 | |
17 | Ormiston Trust | 5.196 | 2020 | |
18 | Oxfam | 5.033 | 2021 | |
19 | Action for Children | 4.741 | 2021 | |
20 | Orders of St John Care Trust | 4.555 | 2021 | |
21 | Turning Point | 4.501 | 2021 | |
22 | Cancer Research UK | 4.386 | 2021 | |
23 | Oasis International Association | 4.356 | 2020 | |
24 | British Heart Foundation | 4.229 | 2021 | |
25 | St Andrew's Healthcare | 3.904 | 2021 | |
26 | Marie Curie | 3.883 | 2021 | |
27 | Shaw Trust | 3.727 | 2020 | |
28 | United Response | 3.632 | 2021 | |
29 | Britisches Rotes Kreuz | 3.356 | 2020 | |
30 | Girls' Day School Trust | 3.283 | 2020 | |
31 | Thera Trust | 3.155 | 2021 | |
32 | hft | 3.153 | 2021 | |
33 | Sue Ryder | 3.062 | 2021 | |
34 | National Autistic Society | 2.706 | 2021 | |
35 | The Salvation Army Social Work Trust | 2.626 | 2021 | |
36 | Sense | 2.555 | 2021 | |
37 | United Church Schools Trust | 2.550 | 2020 | |
38 | Brandon Trust | 2.403 | 2021 | |
39 | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | 2.101 | 2021 | |
40 | Royal National Lifeboat Institution | 2.059 | 2020 | |
41 | Wellcome Trust | 1.969 | 2020 | |
42 | Alzheimer's Society | 1.844 | 2021 | |
43 | Autism Initiatives | 1.826 | 2021 | |
44 | Macmillan Cancer Support | 1.754 | 2020 | |
45 | Livability | 1.745 | 2020 | |
46 | Royal British Legion | 1.675 | 2020 | |
47 | Alternative Futures Group | 1.663 | 2021 | |
48 | People's Dispensary for Sick Animals | 1.662 | 2020 | |
49 | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | 1.647 | 2021 | |
50 | The Disabilities Trust | 1.602 | 2020 |
Einzelne föderale Organisationen geben hier die beim Bundesverband beschäftigten Personen an, andere zählen die föderal Beschäftigten zusammen.
Die größten Vereine und Verbände nach Mitgliedern
US-Amerikanische Vereine nach Anzahl ihrer satzungsgemäßen Mitglieder. Bei föderalen Verbänden kommt es hier in der Regel zu Mehrfachzählungen, da in der Regel die Summe aller Mitglieder der föderalen Strukturen angegeben wird.
# | Organisation | Mitglieder | Jahr | |
1 | Amnesty International | 7.000.000 | 2023 | |
2 | Erzbistum Birmingham | 448.440 | 2018 | |
3 | Erzbistum Westminster | 439.740 | 2017 | |
4 | Bistum Down und Connor | 402.470 | 2019 | |
5 | Erzbistum Southwark | 367.530 | 2017 | |
6 | National Trust for Scotland | 300.000 | 2023 | |
7 | Bistum Salford | 294.000 | 2017 | |
8 | Woodland trust | 289.000 | 2019 | |
9 | Bistum Derry | 252.347 | 2019 | |
10 | Erzbistum Armagh | 242.860 | 2018 | |
11 | Bistum Brentwood | 236.929 | 2018 | |
12 | Bistum Portsmouth | 231.700 | 2019 | |
13 | Erzbistum Glasgow | 216.200 | 2019 | |
14 | Vereinigte Großloge von England | 200.000 | ||
15 | Bistum Shrewsbury | 189.827 | 2017 | |
16 | Bistum Arundel und Brighton | 178.075 | 2018 | |
17 | Bistum Northampton | 177.136 | 2019 | |
18 | Bistum Clifton | 170.700 | 2019 | |
19 | Bistum Leeds | 168.000 | 2019 | |
20 | Bistum Hexham und Newcastle | 167.568 | 2019 | |
21 | Bistum Motherwell | 164.000 | 2019 | |
22 | Bistum Nottingham | 163.230 | 2019 | |
23 | Erzbistum Cardiff | 131.280 | 2019 | |
24 | Erzbistum Saint Andrews und Edinburgh | 120.500 | 2017 | |
25 | Bistum East Anglia | 108.000 | 2019 | |
26 | Bistum Lancaster | 101.700 | 2019 | |
27 | Bistum Middlesbrough | 96.080 | 2019 | |
28 | Bistum Paisley | 90.600 | 2019 | |
29 | Bistum Dromore | 89.780 | 2019 | |
30 | Bistum Kilmore | 69.483 | 2019 | |
31 | Bistum Plymouth | 69.100 | 2019 | |
32 | Bistum Hallam | 65.000 | 2019 | |
33 | Bistum Dunkeld | 64.680 | 2019 | |
34 | Bistum Aberdeen | 50.400 | 2018 | |
35 | Bistum Galloway | 41.353 | 2019 | |
36 | Eparchie Großbritannien | 40.000 | 2019 | |
37 | Bistum Wrexham | 33.897 | 2017 | |
38 | Bistum Menevia | 28.400 | 2019 | |
39 | Bistum Gibraltar | 25.000 | 2019 | |
40 | Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust | 25.000 | ||
41 | Royal Geographical Society | 16.500 | ||
42 | Eparchie Holy Family of London | 13.000 | 2019 | |
43 | Bistum Argyll and the Isles | 11.032 | 2018 | |
44 | National Rifle Association | 10.157 | 2023 | |
45 | Bistum Hamilton in Bermuda | 9.340 | 2019 | |
46 | City Sikhs Network | 7.000 | ||
47 | Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | 5.525 | 2019 | |
48 | Royal Television Society | 5.030 | 2019 | |
49 | Medical Emergency Relief International | 4.000 | ||
50 | British Ecological Society | 4.000 |